Who Owns Your Children


THE STATE OF EDUCATION IN THE U.S.A. – Did You Know? by Diane Connors 10/16/2024 What’s happening in your community with public/private education trends?  What about homeschooling? Do you have one of the “best” school districts – so, no worries for you, right? Wrong.  There is, and there has been, a global plan for education

American Education Needs a Pro-Parent Overhaul

Did you know? “Almost two-thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with the quality of public education.” “On academics alone, the system is a dumpster fire. The federal government’s own National Assessment of Educational Progress shows only about one in three students are “proficient” in core subjects.” “…1 in 10 students experience sexual misconduct.”  (some estimates say at

Who Owns the Data & the Children? Parents? The Government? Part 3

Current Issues in Education – Part 3 Friends, Have you seen the trend nationwide? Public schools (K-12 or college) are moving into the homeschool territory to “help” us, to “data track” us and to cause regulation changes down the road. They are not hiding this as will be mentioned below. There are multiple links here

Dr. Duke Pesta Podcast Interview

Opinion: A Podcast Review by Diane Connors Tiffany Boyd and Dr. Duke Pesta are the presenters in this radio show, Front Porch Radio. It’s almost an hour long and you can listen while multi-tasking, which is helpful.  While the content that they are discussing is relevant to all families with school-aged children, they both have