CHN Membership & Groups

CHN Social Media Connections
As always, CHN welcomes members from all races, creeds, religions, instructional methodologies, ability & disability.  Our mission is offer support and information about homeschooling, and to disseminate accurate legal & homeschool support information to new homeschoolers while we monitor any threats to our homeschool freedom. We offer events and benefits to members throughout the year. Get connected to other homeschoolers and prospective homeschoolers via our social media platforms. We do not charge for membership; we rely on donations. CHN has grown over the decades to around 25,000 CT families.

Connecticut Homeschool Network on FB
Join this group if you are a CT family, currently home educating your child. Be sure to become a member of CHN, by completing the form at the bottom of this page, too.  Then, you can request a CHN Membership Card, good for educator discounts at select stores and museums.

CHN: CT Public, Private & Homeschool Discussion Group on FB
Join this group if you are NOT currently homeschooling in CT, or if your child is currently enrolled in a public or private school while you seek information about home education. Current homeschoolers are also welcome to join this sister group.

Join a CHN Group on FB in Your County if you are a new or veteran homeschooler. Please note that before joining the following county groups, you should be a member in the main group listed above for current homeschoolers.
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) New Haven County
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) Hartford County
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) New London County
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) Middlesex County
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) Fairfield County
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) Tolland & Windham Counties
CT Homeschool Network (CHN) Litchfield County 

is free for CT homeschoolers. With your membership you receive and/or have access to:

  • The website, newsletter, and Facebook pages serve approximately 25,000+ families around Connecticut.
  • Educational store discounts with your CHN membership card
  • Museum educational discounts with your CHN membership card
  • A CHN membership card can be obtained via the directions posted below on this webpage, and also posted monthly in our main FB group, (Connecticut Homeschool Network – listed below)
  • The CHN newsletter includes important notices about events and action alerts to keep you informed
  • CHN offers access to your area support groups or co-ops
  • CHN offers members free, periodic Zoom conference calls on homeschool topics, including guest speakers
  • CHN has a homeschool conference each year and members are welcome to attend for free
  • A professional, statewide organization that maintains community relationships
  • A watchdog organization to keep families informed of any threat to homeschool freedom. CHN supports complete freedom from homeschool regulations
  • CHN has legal counsel as part of its Advisory Board
  • We offer in-person and Zoom information sessions for the public. Just contact us for information.

    1. Join CHN by completing the form available below.
    2. Once  you have done that, send a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:
  • CT Homeschool Network (CHN)
    P.O. Box 111
    Columbia, CT 06237
    c/o Connors
    3. Please include a note requesting the membership card and include the following information: your email address for our newsletter/membership list, name, town and state. Without the email address we cannot process your card request.
    4. You will receive your card with 7-10 days. Just sign it and laminate it if desired.
    5. We do not send frequent emails, so when we do, it’s probably worth taking a look at the information.  There might be none in a month or several in a month. They always include homeschool support, information and news on any important issues related to homeschool freedom, trends locally or nationally.

If you need to email the CHN Board of Directors, here’s our address: 
We are an all-volunteer, highly experienced Board of Directors – with families – and as such we might respond to incoming emails in a few minutes or a few days.  Depending on the nature of your email, we might need to hold a meeting to discuss it and that could take a month.