
Thank you for visiting this page, which we have put together for your convenience.  It is intended to share accurate information that you might not be aware of.

Connecticut has families with children who are all homeschooled, as well as blended families with some of the children in a family being homeschooled while others are enrolled in public or private school.  In the event that a family decides to withdraw their child to homeschool, there is only one thing that they need to do – give the school district – Superintendent or the Head of School for a private school, a Letter of Withdrawal.  Effective immediately upon the parent delivering that letter, the student is no longer enrolled.  The school district no longer has any jurisdiction over that family as they are now homeschoolers.

Through the years, there has been confusion about the CT policies regarding home education versus the actual law. Unfortunately, the policies have been treated as though they have the weight of the law – and – they most certainly do not. The biggest faux pau that has been perpetuated is that parents “must” file a Notice of Intent to homeschool form.  That is 100% false.  The Notice of Intent for Home Instruction is a “Suggested Procedure for Home Instruction” and nothing more.  It is not required by law.

Parents withdrawing their children to homeschool should not be threatened with DCF or reported to DCF for simply declining to file the Notice of Intent (NOI) form.  Why?  Because it is NOT required by law and that would be false reporting (illegal).  It is also harassment and the homeschool community has seen it happen time and time again – beyond coincidence of having so many school districts being so uninformed about the law.

With regard to withdrawing an enrolled public or private school student, there is only one thing that the parents need to do. They are to give the school district – the superintendent or the Head of School for a private school, a Letter of Withdrawal.   The school district no longer has any jurisdiction over that family as they are now homeschoolers.  Contrary to the falsehood that some school districts have claimed, parents do NOT need to apply for permission to homeschool, and as such, they should never be denied “taking their student off the enrollment roster” of any school district.  That would not be legal, or worse. When a parent delivers a Letter of Withdrawal to a school district, it is effective immediately.  It is also inappropriate for a district to cite demands that a parent must follow in order for their child to be removed from enrollment.  It is the school’s responsibility to remove that students from its enrollment list when the parent says they are withdrawn. Period.

Further, not only is the Notice of Intent (NOI) not required by law, neither is the portfolio review mentioned in the NOI.  The NOI is simply a policy developed in 1989 by the State Board of Education.  The homeschool community never agreed to that policy or document.  Furthermore, the original document had a title.  It was written, “Suggested Procedure for Home Instruction”, and the Notice of Intent form was detailed below.

There have been numerous reports of parents with special needs children who have given up on the efficacy of the PPT to set their child up for success with appropriate services and an IEP plan. When these parents have reached a point of completion with their disappointment, they have frequently already researched home education.  When they announce they are going to homeschool, they are then threatened with DCF or just reported outright.  Parents of special needs children have a right to homeschool.  They often find more appropriate services for their children through private providers.  To report them to DCF for exercising their right to home educate, is unacceptable to say the least.

In either of the above incidents, the bar for reporting abuse or neglect has not been reached. It is, as it has been reported many times and news outlets in CT have published – intentional harassment.  It needs to stop.

There are times when parents want to enroll their child in public school for the high school years.  If they homeschooled for 9th or even 9th and 10th grade, there is the issue of obtaining public high school credits for homeschool academics.  Some districts meet with the family and work together to be inclusive and grant credits where they were earned.  Other districts have a notably negative attitude and refuse to do the same – or, they are very uncooperative. If a student came in from another state or country, they would not be treated the same way, and it’s clearly not inclusive.  The homeschool community is aware of this apparent discrimination by treating a home educated student by a different set of standards.  This is an area where the school districts ought to reconsider policy. The law does give districts the right of “discernment”, and it’s ironic that when a homeschooled child take the CT GED exam, they take first place. That certainly doesn’t support the discriminatory attitudes of some districts toward an incoming homeschool-to-high school student. Homeschoolers across the nation have been accepted into almost 100% of the nation’s colleges and universities – with “nothing but a homeschool high school diploma”.  It deserves respect and acknowledgement.

We invite all CT school districts to inform themselves about the fuller story that they likely have not heard about regarding the history of the Notice of Intent & Portfolio Review in CT.  While they are often told what the policies are, as though they are laws, one must wonder why?  Who didn’t give you all of the facts?  Who withheld information?  Don’t be duped by being partially informed, thus misinformed. Here, you are being fully informed. Kindly reflect that in your district’s policies so they are aligned with the law. It will go a long way toward building respect and better relations with the home educating community.

The Notice of Intent (NOI) is not required by law.  It is a policy developed in 1990 by the State Board of Education.  The homeschool community never agreed to that policy or document.  Furthermore, the original document had a title.  It was titles, “Suggested Procedure for Home Instruction”.

Yes, this is strongly worded but it needs to be as these issues have continued on for decades and it needs to improve.  Now. Thank you for reading.

We invite you to read our laws and policies page here.

View the Letter of Withdrawal

View the Notice of Intent