American Education Needs a Pro-Parent Overhaul

Did you know?

“Almost two-thirds of Americans are dissatisfied with the quality of public education.”

“On academics alone, the system is a dumpster fire. The federal government’s own National Assessment of Educational Progress shows only about one in three students are “proficient” in core subjects.”

“…1 in 10 students experience sexual misconduct.”  (some estimates say at least 15% and it is under reported)

Violence, crime and suicide are at all time highs in schools and with students.

With regard to School Choice, “But as experience demonstrates, government regulation and control always follow funding. “Choice” programs risk sucking families back into the system they fled.”

The full article, authored by Alex Newman, can be read here. American Education Needs a Pro-Parent Overhaul | Opinion – Newsweek 
April 16, 2024