Why is the direction of U.S. education going down the tubes?  The Nation’s Report Card shows our nation’s students doing poorly. Throwing money at the “problem” hasn’t fixed it. Surely, we know better.  Is it possible there’s something more complex at play here?  Some would argue that there is.  Take a look at this evidence, and see if you don’t question whether the current education crisis is just as it should be by those who would prefer to redesign it to their own ends. Why is it becoming clear that there are groups, think tanks, organizations, and even politically driven alignments, that are all pushing for the same goals and plans? How can that be? How are they connected? Developing students who are compliant workers, parents who are out of the way, and the state raising the child – what could possibly go wrong with society? This article is 11 pages – but worth the read, all the way to the end.

UNESCO – Global Education Goals 2030
Dashboard of Country Commitments and Actions to Transform Education
Leading Sustainable Development Goal #4 (SDG4) – Education 2030


“With 194 Member States, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization contributes to peace and security by leading multilateral cooperation on education, science, culture, communication and information. Headquartered in Paris, UNESCO has offices in 54 countries and employs over 2,300 people. UNESCO oversees more than 2,000 World Heritage sites, Biosphere Reserves and Global Geoparks; networks of Creative, Learning, Inclusive and Sustainable Cities; and over 13,000 associated schools, university chairs, training and research institutions.

“Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defenses of peace must be constructed” – UNESCO Constitution, 1945.”

More information:

Sounds great on the surface. Peace is a grand goal. But, they intend to have total control over ALL education defined at a global level – by whom?  Peace – who doesn’t want that? The goals are not unique to each country, state or locality with their respective governments in control.  No. This is a one-size-fits-all global domination of education through, in part, taxpayer funds.  This is not a conspiracy – it is openly published on the website.  This includes the U.S.A., though they are not listed, they are clearly following the set goals, anyway.

The Education 2030 agenda, adopted in 2015, aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all” by 2030. However, even before the pandemic, progress toward these goals was off-track. The COVID-19 crisis further disrupted education globally, disproportionately affecting vulnerable learners. Despite these challenges, global partnerships have strengthened, and efforts continue to realize the Education 2030 objectives. How timely. Additionally, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals emphasize free primary and secondary schooling, equal access to vocational training, gender parity, and universal quality higher education by 2030UNESCO leads SDG4, emphasizing education’s transformative power in fostering a sustainable and equitable world4.

While progress has been made towards the 2030 education targets set by the United Nations, continued efforts are required to address persistent challenges and ensure that quality education is accessible to all, leaving no one behind.

This plan includes public and private schools, which is a socialist expansion-merger of entities that have historically been independent of each other.  We already see what a failing school system looks like in the U.S.A.  What do you think it will look like when it is a globally controlled system?  Who will be in charge?  Where will the voice of individual families be?  Who will be raising the children?  The state?  The parents? The picture should be increasingly clear to us at this point. What’s happening across America, curiously aligns with the UNESCO Goals for Agenda 2030, from the United Nations.


Please note what might appear to be a subtle difference to the reader – the difference between the U.N. and U.N.E.S.C.O. and we’ll see why. Some have commented that the U.S.A. is not a member of the U.N., but is a member of UNESCO, which focuses on Global Education. The innuendo is that it doesn’t matter – but, it does.  Why? Yes, the United States is a charter member of the United Nations and one of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council1. The U.N.  comprises 193 sovereign states, and all members have equal representation in the UN General Assembly. The criteria for admission to the U.N.  include accepting the obligations outlined in the U.N.  Charter and receiving approval from both the Security Council and the General Assembly. This is in conflict with the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments. The United States has no Constitutional authority to have a federal Dept. of Education, nevermind aligning with a global initiative.


Enter: The Hoover Institution – Education 2030
American Education in 2030: Curriculum Then and Now

In 2030 curriculum is at the fore of education rather than serving as it did 20 years ago in the shadow of reform efforts involving teacher performance, choice, standards and accountability, and school governance.
The below video is only 6:24 minutes long. Noteworthy in the first minute is the reference to, ‘this predictive video”…why?  Because it is all about where education will be in 2030 – and, the video was recorded on May 25, 2010. This global education homogenization plan has been in effect for even longer than 2010.  It actually has roots going back to 1963. Conspiracy?  Absolutely not. It is aligned with the Global Citizenship Project <<>> based in UNESCO, and it is for “ALL children.”

Let’s move on from 2010 to 2015.
Speaking of documenting: “The Education 2030 Framework for Action (FFA) is to be formally adopted and launched at a high-level meeting, alongside the 38th UNESCO General Conference at UNESCO headquarters, Paris on 4 November 2015.”

Note: the same 2015 article was updated on January 18, 2024.
Now, that’s perseverance! No sign of conspiracy here, either.  Just the documented facts. The question should be, perhaps, why didn’t all of us know this since it was right under our nose?  Some of us did. It has been moving forward for many years, and those that intend to fully implement global control, have no plans to stop. The good news is, now it is more out in the open for people to see and connect the dots. The schools are failing – by design. The global plan to step forward with a solution is at hand.

So far, this is about public and privately schooled kids.  We don’t see mention of homeschoolers.  That means it’s not our problem.  Hold on. Those people are not dumb. They know who the last area will be to mop up to clean things up for their path of work to be clear, the homeschoolers.  In 2024, that is underway. Still, we need to look at some more timeline history before we get to homeschoolers. But get there, we will. As John Taylor Gatto once said, “Homeschoolers are the last bastion of freedom, and that horse is already out of the barn.”  Let’s hope he’s right when this all shakes out.  It hasn’t been stated, only public or private schooled kids.  It has been stated, the UNESCO goals are for “ALL kids”.  That does not exclude homeschoolers.

How could the powers-that-be possibly strip homeschooling families – the parents – of their right to homeschool?  What could that possibly look like?  Is there, yet again, something we are not seeing?  Yes. And no. There are parents who are seeing it, and they are endeavoring to inform and empower homeschool parents to see the facts of what is happening in education, all the way down from the global-to- state level, into your homeschool.

Remember,  the U.S.A. is a member of UNESCO, but not the United Nations.  However, being a member is a moot point if a country is aligned with the goals of UNESCO – and, by and large, they indeed are.  On the one hand, there is talk in some quarters, of dissolving the U.S.A.’s federal Department of Education, a department that is unconstitutional.  While that is true, it’s also a moot point.  Why?  Because the United States has worked with UNESCO to preserve culture, improve education, increase scientific collaboration, encourage freedom of information, bring people together, and promote democratic values. “The United Nations Educational, Scientific, Cultural Organization (UNESCO), was founded after World War II on 16 November 1945 to contribute to peace and security. Collaboration among nations through education, science and culture remains a cornerstone of a peaceful world order.”

Excerpted from:

Question: Who defines education, or even peace, when there is only one body governing those things on the entire planet?  What could possibly go wrong with your rights, your freedom, individuality and uniqueness, or – even disagreement?

Answer: UNESCO.
They have a challenge to overcome but they are up to the task.  What is it? Enter advanced technology. Data mining, tracking and reporting. “Education 2030 is accompanied by a demanding Monitoring & Evaluation (M&E) framework…” They need greatly upgraded technological advancements for monitoring and tracking our children, for lifelong learning. Is this sounding similar to China’s social credit scores? Research how that is working well for its citizens; it’s not.

No worries, adults are not excluded, as this is all about being inclusive. They want to monitor you, too. Data mining and collection is already ongoing not just for enrolled students, but for their families, too. This is also intended to be data that’s used for policy reform for long-lasting changes. Whatever can be found as public domain information becomes part of your ID# documents. Where does the info get shared? Prospective employers?  Healthcare workers? Colleges and universities? Who can access it?

Just to make sure their new system will be affected for impact, they have a plan. “The growing emphasis on accountability, reflected in the monitoring burden, has to be accompanied with much stronger support systems, through professional development of public servants, from the central ministry to the classroom. Accountability without support will inevitably lead to further de-professionalization of those who are at the heart of education systems and to whom we entrust the realization of Education 2030.”
The change-agents (school staff and administration), are entrusted to meet all of the Agenda 2030 goals, you see?  Did you hear anything in there about parents?  You won’t.  The state will be raising your child and if you don’t go along with it, protective services might  be called in – as is already happening to some families over certain issues. Straight from the International Institute for Education Planning – connected to UNESCO.

More on the SDG4 –
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. Included in the Special Event July 11, 2024 in New York is:

“Financing Education

In 2023, UNESCO estimated that the investment gap for developing countries to achieve their SDG4 targets is now at $700billion a year – a figure that increases by almost fifty percent when the costs of digital transformation of education are included.”

“They also call for a learning environment that pursues radical inclusion, a fresh national and global consensus around the knowledge, skills, mindsets and capacities needed for the world today, a repositioning of the role of teachers in the learning process and the harnessing of digital tools and resources for better education access, experience and outcomes. As we look ahead to the Summit of the Future and the World Summit on Social Development, the Special Event will consider the application of this concept in different contexts, with a particular focus on systems for skilling and reskilling and the role of international cooperation.”

They keep changing the name of the latest education reform package and it’s all still designed to socially engineer our children.  Human resource material, worker bees, etc.

All of our children. Yes, even homeschooled children are not slated to be exempt from School “Choice”.  It is the government bringing their control into the alleged “choice” they’re going to give to you – because they’ll give you money to use – with all the strings attached. Are you willing to sell out for the money?  The cost is your freedom and liberty. De Even the money has strings attached due to parental accountability for the money they accept via vouchers and/or ESA’s (education savings accounts)
Parents will be accountable and have oversight from the government. That’s not freedom. It’s control.

Hmm, so what is the vehicle of delivery for all of these U.N., UNESCO goals for Agenda 2030 in education?  School Choice. Yes, you read that right. School Choice is not a “choice”. You already have a choice.  It’s a regulated, controlled approach to education that strips parental rights and homeschooling will go from parent-controlled, directed and funded, to being in the public education domain.  They will have gotten it all under their umbrella of School “Choice” control and they will tell you the strings attached to your “choices”.  You will jump through their hoops in order to use the money given to you.  While it is already rife with fraud and abuses, that will only prove to catalyze even further controls.  Wait for it.

Incremental change is often quiet and to the unaware, imperceptible until it’s advanced. Homeschoolers are included in the School Choice agenda, though each state is handling it somewhat differently based on the people’s awareness, push-back, and prior regulations. That said, it is well underway in certain states.  It had to start somewhere.

Just as Deb Fillman & Lynn Davenport
<<>> used in an example during a podcast interview, there are school lunch programs where all students get a free debit lunch card for school whether the parents want it or not.  What if your kid typically brings a brown bag lunch? They’ll be the odd one out.  What about bullying the kid that’s “different” with that bag lunch? What if the parents didn’t want their child in that free lunch program?  What if they prefer a different nutrition option?
Before you know it, what started as a free lunch program for those in financial need, was pushed onto everyone in the name of efficiency and…equity.  What happened to choice?  Diversity? Inclusion of diversity? As noted earlier, it’s about change and consensus!

Since 2020, we know that home education has flourished and the number of families homeschooling has exploded. It must be reigned in for those in control to rest. So, what is there for homeschoolers to watch out for?  The shift from old-fashioned homeschool support groups, later morphed into adding homeschool co-ops – real ones.  That later morphed again to add confusion among real homeschool co-ops and alternative learning modalities (private business entities) who called themselves homeschoolers.  In recent times, we’re seeing a nationwide uptick in what is termed “hubs”.  They market to and solicit homeschoolers. Why?

They are potentials for utilizing “vendor contracts”, whereby, if or when the School Choice vouchers increase, vendor contractors can collect up to 10% of ESA monies.  It has been called a “cash cow”.  Who benefits? They do. Private business entities, sounding like homeschool communities or co-ops, aren’t.
Further, the hubs are part of massive and deep data tracking endeavors that have been launched by the likes of Johns Hopkins University and others. They intend to go where no man has gone before – researching homeschooling families and children.  It doesn’t end there, either.  What do they intend to do with the resulting data collection?  They plan to effect legislative change.  No matter which way you view it, homeschooling is in the sites of those seeking to monetize it and regulate it.

The Republicans don’t say a word against School Choice; they are pushing for it, which therefore means they are pro-homogenized schools. The Democrats are opposed to it, because they want state control, not parent control.  In both cases, the end result will be the same; state control over all modalities of education.  Where’s the remaining choice?  All of this is “in loco parentis” on steroids. Why is neither party standing for Parental Rights? School Choice is NOT for parental rights; it’s for homogenization and public/state control over education via, “following the money” given to the parents.

Corey DeAngelis peddles School Choice voucher money (or ESA’s), and he has connections to Betsy DeVos. DeAngelis wrote the book, The Parent Revolution which appears to boast a communist fist on the book cover. Coincidence?  Misunderstanding?  Or, it is what it is? He isn’t even a parent, so why is he a self-assigned expert on School Choice, and promoting change in education that will affect parents and children?  It’s because he is a paid agent who is aligned with the Agenda 2030 goals.  He misleads by refraining from admitting that in states with School Choice already implemented, it has included regulations, controls, oversight of any family that has taken voucher money. Laws have been passed in every state who has accepted it. When you hear the buzzwords, vouchers, Education Savings Accounts (ESA’s), money-follows-the-child, private education and legislation, you’re likely hearing about School Choice.

“Betsy DeVos, former Secretary of Education, admitted that “school choice” will indeed put all forms of education under the public education umbrella. “Let’s stop and rethink the definition of public education,” she said. “Today it is often defined as one type of school funded by taxpayers, controlled by government. But, if every student is part of the public, then every way and every place a student learns is ultimately of benefit to the public,” DeVos continued. “That should be the new definition of public education.””  Don’t doubt it, parents. Your parental rights are being taken from you so the state can raise your children and indoctrinate them to a global worldview.

And, it doesn’t end there.  High school graduates will continue – remember – this is lifelong learning – carried forward in colleges.

The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative discusses integrating the Sustainable Development Goals into Higher Education
“New York, 1 June 2022— The Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI) hosted the second of a series of three webinars organized in the lead-up to the HESI+10 Global Forum which will highlight the role of higher education in building back better from COVID-19 and advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.” What? This is political? Say it’s not so.


Train the students for the computerized work-force training system. Will School Choice outcomes produce obedient worker bees to effect profits for the socialist global economy?  Will these students be trained through schools who no longer have elected School Boards of Education, but be run privately without parents? It’s already going on. It has been.

The plan is for the ‘money to follow the child’ into adulthood because the U.N.’s plan includes the world’s children being trained for the global economy and “conditioned” to accept new global values.

Last, but not least – there is plenty of information about the racial history of School Choice.

The Racist History Of “School Choice”

The truth is that voucher and tax credit programs structure choices to promote de facto segregation, contravene constitutional considerations, and threaten to dismantle hard-fought and socially beneficial historical progress. They represent a serious setback for universal free public education and the equality and equity goals it promotes.

No Child Will Be Left Behind, as defined by the U.N. and UNESCO, whether public or privately schooled.  Homeschoolers? Parents better pay attention, and Now is the time to choose: are YOU a true homeschooler with autonomy, freedom and liberty?  Or, will you sell out – literally – and compromise your freedom and liberty now and for generations to come, for a voucher check and all the strings that come with “your” money, and by law, having hoops to jump through on how you can use the money – thus, being controlled?  If you get in bed with the devil, you will have earned what you’re going to get. Just say, “No”.

Additional Resources

Video: School Choice is a Carrot to Control You (a must see)
with Deb Fillman and Lynn Davenport
2 hours

Article: School Choice or Education Liberty?
by Cindi Nicolai
from 2017 and spot-on today

Article: DeVos / DeAngelis in bed with UNESCO

Article: Homeschool reporting reform is not an attack – it’s common sense
June 29, 2024
“Those who decide to homeschool a child or children take on the massive responsibility of education – a task handled in most school settings by a while team of individuals who have worked specifically to become certified to teach.”  This article assumes the schools have successful academic standing and they are far from it as documented in the Nation’s Report Card. Not to mention, the abuse/neglect statistics in public schools are clear; minimum 15% of all students suffer. Fix your own yard before deflecting on homeschoolers who leave that failing system to find success. This is a lame excuse to gain control and a foot in the door.

Article: Army Expanding Pre-Basic Training Prep Courses to Bring in More Soldiers and Curb Recruiting Crisis
If the public schools are doing such a stellar job, why are they concerned with having eyes on the homeschoolers to control them, when they are failing so many public school students academically?  Shouldn’t they get their own house in order first?  Why is it that incoming military enlistees have to take a remedial class – all of them? New recruits cannot pass the ASFAB entrance exam for the military and with declining military enlistee numbers, the military was forced to do something – hence, remedial classes because so many of them cannot read or write properly.  Yes. Let’s not look at those products of the public schools – let’s just be condescending to the homeschoolers, who are doing just fine. Colleges seek them out.